What Kind of Interviewer Are You?

Posted by in Human Resources


Since I’m a freelance writer, I am always on the lookout for interesting story ideas.  I found a website for freelancer writers with a lot of different story titles, and one caught my eye.  The request was to write an article on the type of manager you would like to conduct your job interview.  That brought to mind a lot of interviewers I’ve had over the years and some of the managers I’ve worked with and their interview styles.  An interviewer can be a talent magnet or send your best candidates running out the door.  Which one of the following are you?


1.      The Best Buddy.  These managers may just be naturally friendly or are purposely trying to make an applicant relax.  They smile a lot, laugh, and find ways to compliment an applicant. They are good at small talk and will usually find a connection with the applicant.  They are effective interviewers because they help an applicant relax and do a lot of talking.  Interviewers should adhere to the 80/20 rule.  The candidate talks 80 percent of the time and the interviewer 20 percent, using most of that time for questions.


2.      The Interrogator - All that’s missing from this interview style is a hard chair in the center of the room with a bare light bulb hanging over it.  Not much small talk here.  These managers like to get down to business.  They give the impression they are too busy or just don’t care about the applicant as a person.  They are efficient, but with a clipped questioning style and unfriendly demeanor, applicants aren’t likely to open up and share the kind of information needed to determine if they are a good fit for the job.


3.      The Distracted - These managers are available in body for the interview, but their mind is somewhere else.  They take phone calls, walk-in interruptions, and try to disguise the fact that they’re checking emails while an applicant is talking.  They make an applicant feel unimportant by not giving them the attention they deserve.  They also cheat themselves out of the opportunity to dig deep to discover the person behind the resume and make a good hiring decision.


4.      The Clueless – “You had an interview today?”  “What position are you applying for?”  “Do you have a copy of your resume?”  This manager should just reschedule or pass the task to someone else.  The applicant has prepared for the interview and deserves a manager who has done the same.  These managers are a nightmare because they give a poor impression of the leadership team and company. 


5.      The Dream Manager - These managers have done their homework; they have a resume copy, application, pre-assessment and other applicant testing results at hand.  They’ve read the job description and job posting a couple of times and are prepared with a list of questions.  They’ve contacted HR to get the latest information on benefits and even have a copy of the employee handbook to give to top applicants.  They take some time to make small talk, put the applicant at ease and then ask questions on the list and probing follow-up questions. Besides conducting a thorough interview, they leave an applicant with a favorable impression of the job and company. 


Which kind of manager/interviewer are you?  If I missed your style or a different interviewer type, let me know in the Comments section below.


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