Why You Should Get Feedback from Job Candidates

Joseph Stubblebine
Posted by in Human Resources

In many companies, the hiring process has remained the same for years; as a result, it can be difficult to spot inefficiencies or problem areas. By asking each job candidate for feedback on the application, interview, and follow-up procedures, you can gain valuable insights and see the process from the candidate's point of view.

Hiring is arguably one of the most important processes in a company. Without high-performing employees, your business doesn't have a chance of keeping up with the competition. According to a 2012 survey from Mystery Applicant, 34 percent of job applicants rated their experience as "poor." Only five percent rated it as "excellent." What's more, 64 percent of survey respondents shared their experiences with their social media networks. 

In other words, the hiring process is a two-way street; a job candidate has the freedom to turn down your company's offer if any part of the hiring procedure raises a red flag. The applicant is also at liberty to comment about the experience on professional and social networks, which can impact your company's reputation among other people who are searching for jobs. By receiving feedback from candidates, you can improve your hiring methods; as a result, you will make your company more attractive to each applicant and reverse a negative bias among jobseekers.

More businesses are starting to pay attention to the value of a positive hiring process. According to a recent story from Market Wired, the Talent Board organization has even formed a networking group that is dedicated to investigating ways companies can improve the candidate experience. As other companies in your industry begin to improve their hiring methods, it is vital to follow suit or risk losing top talent to businesses that pay more attention to candidate input.

When you are attempting to improve your company's hiring methods and job interview practices, it can be difficult to look objectively at the process. In reality, a job candidate is the only person who can provide firsthand information about the hiring experience. If you can convince past job candidates to offer their impressions about the process, it will be easier to spot weak areas.

The process of receiving feedback from candidates can be a difficult one, particularly if you want to poll a representative cross-section of applicants. Candidates who did not receive job offers may not be receptive to questions; they may also have a negative bias toward your company. Despite the potential drawbacks, feedback from job candidates can be invaluable to your company.

When you make an effort to survey each job candidate about the hiring experience, you can gain information that will help improve each step of the hiring process. As a result, you can gain access to better, more qualified candidates for each open position.


(Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net)


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