Minnesota Aims at Improving Manufacturing Sector

Matt Shelly
Posted by in Manufacturing

Manufacturing in America was hit hard by the recent recession. As recovery continues, many states are looking to improve the ability to attract and retain manufacturing businesses. Minnesota manufacturing associations, along with state organizations, are attempting to make it easier than ever to conduct or support manufacturing in the state. Growth in the national market has been gradual, but there are signs that manufacturing may be experiencing a revival. Minnesota manufacturing metrics look good, and some companies have already begun the process of constructing new facilities or relocating to the state.

Minnesota manufacturing relies heavily on cooperation from existing businesses. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development recently made it easier than ever for businesses in the state to find local manufacturers and support the local economy. The new Minnesota manufacturing company database lets users search for goods and services from local businesses. This provides an excellent boon by reducing out-of-state shipping costs and helping to eliminate the need to import goods, materials, and services from overseas. The registry could provide a real boost to the manufacturing sector in the state.

At least one major manufacturer has committed to moving to the state. Olympus Surgical Technologies America of Maple Grove announced it intends to build a $37 million facility in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, where it can conduct research and manufacturing operations. The company produces medical devices for hospitals worldwide, and the move is expected to add 265 workers to the area and provide jobs for an additional hundred workers. This move shows that the push by Minnesota manufacturing interests is beginning to show results. The facility is expected to focus primarily on the production of surgical energy devices, and the company already has close ties to the state.

The manufacturing sector is closely monitored by a number of organizations. The Creighton University business index gives Minnesota manufacturing a rating of 55.2 for October of 2013. Ratings over fifty indicate continued or expected growth in the sector. New orders, production, and sales helped drive the index rating up, while inventories showed the lowest rating from those considered by the index. These metrics seem to indicate that the tools used by Minnesota manufacturing supporters are effective at spurring growth in the local market.

Minnesota manufacturing looks poised to continue its growth in the near future. As more companies commit to supporting local manufacturing and moving manufacturing facilities or personnel to the state, the growth may well accelerate over time. The creation of a registry of businesses that manufacture goods or support manufacture with services and raw materials within state lines has provided an excellent tool for businesses of all sizes. Continued support from governmental agencies and Minnesota manufacturing associations is paramount for a quick recovery and growth across the state.


(Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net)


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