Mobile Commerce Is Key to Future Manufacturing

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Manufacturing

In modern society, consumers can do more than ever with a simple finger swipe. Mobile commerce, and its accompanying plethora of mobile apps, has become one of the most sought-after digital accessories for business owners and their customers. All this savvy new tech is a good thing for manufacturers too, whether they operate on a B2B basis or sell their wares directly to the consumer.

Twenty years ago, the phrase, "There's an app for that" had not even been invented yet. Fast forward to now, and you find it a staple in retail, banking and a host of other industries. Some businesses accept payment via PayPal or Square; larger businesses, and a growing number of smaller ones, have their very own custom-designed apps.

Mobile commerce means you can book your plane ticket to Spain as you ride the E train. You can check the weather for rain or exercise your brain on the fly. In short, mobile apps work because they make it easier than ever for businesses to access potential customers on the go.

As a manufacturer, you could create your own apps in house or outsource them to a reputable design and implementation firm. It really depends on how much time you have on your hands and whether you have the staff on your team to develop the app on site. App development does not have to be costly either. It can be, but if you are a smaller manufacturer looking to test the water, consider hiring a skilled professional via a freelancing site like oDesk or Elance. Very often, rates are cheaper that way. Ironically, that is yet another form of mobile commerce.

The apps you offer your business customers will no doubt be different than the apps you offer your retail consumers, but there is no reason not to step forward bravely into both worlds. If you can sidestep the middleman, the retail sector, your profits may increase considerably in the future.

As you develop your apps, keep in mind what you want to do with them. If your mobile commerce solution is based on the customization of a single product for a single consumer, it may be worth investing a little extra time into personalizing that customer's experience. If you are planning to sell your product exclusively to other businesses, you might focus more on a sleek, efficient interface and dispense with the homely touches.

Mobile commerce is not just for the retail, the banking or the air travel sectors It can be made to work in nearly any setting. As people's lives become progressively busier, it is arguably important to explore new technology as a means to connect with customers. Mobile commerce is ideal for business-to-business use and can also be employed with direct-to-consumer services. App development can take place in or out of house depending on your resources.

Photo courtesy of graur razvan ionut at


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