How to Put Together a Manufacturing Resume

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Manufacturing

If you are ready to move into another manufacturing job, creating a resume that captures attention should be one of your top priorities. Many lists of resume tips focus on formatting instead of content, but the content of your resume is actually the most important part of the document. If you have not updated your resume in some time, get ready to make a list of your current duties and review your accomplishments. Follow these resume tips to create a professional resume that helps you make a positive impression on recruiters.

Before you start creating a resume, you should make a list of your job duties, skills, and achievements. Your list should include the names of any specialized machines or manufacturing software programs you have used. Take time to gather information about your past employers and your dates of employment, as you will have to include this information in your resume. If you consult a list of resume tips during the planning process, you will see that there are several different resume formats you can use. A chronological resume, which lists your past jobs in reverse chronological order, is usually the best choice for manufacturing professionals.

Once you have gathered all of the necessary information, it is time to write your resume. Use a professional font such as Arial or Times New Roman to make the document easy for recruiters to read. The header should include your name, address, telephone number, and email address. The section on work experience should include the names of your past employers, your dates of employment, and the job titles you have held. Include a brief list of achievements or duties under each job title. Recruiters from Advance Staffing Solutions recommend going back no more than twelve years when listing jobs on your manufacturing resume.

It is hard to find a list of resume tips that does not mention the importance of keywords in your resume. If you submit an electronic resume, it must contain keywords relevant to the manufacturing industry and your desired position. Some recruiters use computers to screen resumes for certain phrases, so your resume must contain the right keywords if you want a hiring manager to see it. For a manufacturing resume, use keywords such as capacity planning, facility management, materials management, process automation, process improvement, production planning, and quality control. If you are not sure which keywords to use, check the job description for ideas.

When writing a resume for a manufacturing position, including the right information is important, but you cannot ignore basic resume tips regarding length and format. Keep your resume to no more than two pages if you have several years of experience in the industry, or limit it to one page if you have only held one or two manufacturing jobs. Proofread the resume several times before sending it to recruiters so you do not send out a resume containing an embarrassing error. Following these resume tips will help you present yourself as a professional and improve your chances of getting the manufacturing job you desire.

(Photo courtesy of xedos4 /


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