Best Employers for Workers Over 50

Posted by in Technology

If you’re over 50 and looking for a tech job, you’ve no doubt run into the brick wall of age discrimination. These days, HR managers and recruiters will couch it under terms like you’re overqualified or you lack the up-to-date computer skills.


Employment ads will try to screen you out with words like “high energy” and “fast paced.” You’ve tried in vain to get around these tactics by omitting early jobs from your resume and leaving off college graduation dates. You begin to ask yourself if there are there any employers left out there who value your experience, maturity and business savvy.


Take heart. The AARP Best Employers for Workers Over 50 program thinks you have what it takes. Cosponsored by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the program awards businesses and organizations that develop progressive policies and practices for today’s over-50 job seekers. 


Companies Cover a Wide Spectrum

This year, the National Institutes of Health ranked number one in the 2013 winners at the SHRM national conference in Chicago. The list of 50 winners covers health care, universities, financial services, construction, aerospace, and federal and county government. The companies include such major players as Scripps Health, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, S&T Bank and Michelin North America. In a statement accompanying the list, AARP noted, that boomers "will be increasingly crucial to the success of the U.S. economy over the coming decade."


Program’s Pledge Hopes to Go Viral

A key AARP program goal seeks to share the best practices of these forward thinking employers with the general business community and to enhance employment opportunities for boomers. Many employers on the list have taken AARP’s Work Reimagined Pledge, which says they will recruit from the full spectrum of age groups and consider all applicants on an equal basis. The program’s selection criteria includes:


  • Recruiting practices
  • Opportunities for training, education and career development
  • Workplace accommodations
  • Flexible scheduling, job-sharing and phased retirement
  • Employee health and pension benefits
  • Benefits for retirees


MIT Makes the List

If you thought tech employers are only fixated on the young, consider this: MIT has just received AARP’s "Best Employer for Workers Over 50" award—for the seventh time. Alison Alden, HR VP at MIT, applauds the award. “Our objective at MIT is to promote a workplace of inclusion that welcomes and supports people of varying backgrounds, different viewpoints, experience, talents and ideas—a multi-generational workforce is critical to achieve that outcome," said Alden.


U.S. Needs a Boomer Workforce

By 2016, one-third of the total U.S. workforce will be 50 or older, a 28 percent jump from 2007. The percentage of workers in their early 20s is projected to decline, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Attracting and retaining mature, experienced employees is becoming a major factor for employers looking to fill critical skill shortages and keep their competitive edge in today’s marketplace.


Tired of getting rejected for your age? Check out AARP’s Best Employers for Workers Over 50.


Image courtesy of photostock/


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  • Saab E
    Saab E
    Any informations on companies hiring over age 61 yr olds...
  • Laura G
    Laura G
    I have been looking for work for months now, applied to hundreds of jobs.  I have rewritten my  resume and CL quite a few times and nothing.  Am finding more success with Craigslist but still nothing.  I just want a fighting chance to prove myself to an employer.
  • Michael D
    Michael D
    HiI liked this article. I spent a lot of time and money moving around the country learning high end electronics. I did train all the new college graduates on real world problems. I am unemployed after training Mexico and transferring my GPS product lines there.. i still have skill sets not taught anymore, but also still much needed in the workforce.
  • Jeffrey M
    Jeffrey M
    I am a good engineer, and a good team player. Why can't find a job?
  • William H
    William H
    I am 60 years old with computer savvy and csr experience.  Would I be able to get a job?
  • Ronald M
    Ronald M
    Discrimination against people over 50 is rampant and unpublished.People over 50 might use benefits.People over 50 can't be rode hard and put away wet.
  • Terry b
    Terry b
    aarp declined to help me
  • K M
    K M
    The biggest problem with this article is that most of the jobs are oriented in the north - northeast. There are a staggering amount of highly talented early or forced retirees in Florida, for example, but the job market in central to south Florida is miserable.Many of these people were top performers in their former positions, and were compensated appropriately. THAT is why they could afford to move to Florida to start with! I believe that there should be a Federal requirement to hire over 50 workers, much like the early EEO/AA requirements where employers were required to hire a certain percentage of minorities. In addition, no "stunts" would be allowed where the hired over-50 workers were placed in menial, low-paying and physical jobs. This would cut across all racial, ethnic, and male/female lines.Employers - STOP TREATING AMERICA'S MOST VALUABLE AND SKILLED ASSETS LIKE DIRT.
  • James L
    James L
    Very Nice - I am 75 and running into the "over 50" problem BIG time.  I have been a IT professional for over 50 years, still have plenty of gas in the tank.  I am not easily discouraged, but I have been weasel worded after striking out on half a dozen recent interviews for jobs for which I was eminently qualified. How do I get to check out AARP's Best Employers of Workers over 50?  It mentions it but provided no link I could find.  
  • Steven D
    Steven D
    I am in that over 50 range and I have been out of work for the past year and a half. It is difficult to even find a low paying job. Also I have a minor disability.
  •  Yehuda L
    Yehuda L
    With all due respect to Bureau of Labor Statistics - this may be a wishful thinking for many, and anyway too late for me (65).Disgusting situation. A lifetime experience and critical knowledge is wasted. Love to hear about an online teaching opportunity
  • Don K
    Don K
    If you are 50 and older, and find yourself facing a 30 year old during the interview who has half of your knowledge....he/she will not hire you
  • Jim T
    Jim T
    Well at last Im starting to hit the realization the last few years of my career may be as hard to survive as the first were.  I have tried honesty with prospective employers about my career and that has not worked.  I have tried to except less money that has not worked.  I guess old age is a stumbling block.  Thank you for your honesty.Jim
  • Steven O
    Steven O
    it would have been nice if you had included a link for the aarp list of the best employers for workers over 50
  •  Bob J
    Bob J
    Sounds great someone understands what is going on these days. Thank you
  • Tom M
    Tom M
    I was recently hired even though I'm on the other side of 60.  I am treated no differently than my peers. Age does not seem to matter in the least.  
    I need a copy of the list.There should be a list for theones that do not consider older workers.
  •  Marilyn M
    Marilyn M
    I think that this article hit the nail on the head.  I am over 50 and am having a difficult time having younger people making the hiring decision.  When interviewing and answering questions on a skill that you have and you let them know how it was being done in the past they get glazed over and >>  The word analyst is a word used for every job ??  What is up with that ??
  • Linda S
    Linda S
    Being unemployed in your 50's is age discrimination in this horrible economy! Recruiters & Corporations will not hire you at this age 50 something.
  • Dennis H
    Dennis H
    I am over 50 years, with over 30 years in Information Technology, actively seeking employment.  So this article caught my eye.  However, I don't see a list of employers or a link to such a list.  Am I missing something?  
  • Ron S
    Ron S
    I have been "flattening my head against this particular wall in the IT field, after a 30-plus-year career, but I'm not old enough yt for SS! Really need and want to work a few more years  - thank you  for starting this effort!!
  • Deanna W
    Deanna W
    As a Sr. Technical Contract Recruiter in Silicon Valley, I am very aware of age discrimination in the work place.  My thesis in college was also about older workers being able to find work.  I discovered that employers in Europe have been bringing older workers out of retirement to work for them and have been very satisfied with their decision to do so.  I believe that the U.S. will eventually see that the mature worker will be an asset to their work force especially since they no longer require benefits or medical from the employer, they are more committed to their employer, enjoy teaching others, take pride in their work and don't have the concerns about small children in their home.  What I would like to see AARP list  are the names of the best companies for people over fifty and I would like to know the percentage of people over 50 AARP has employed in their own staff.  
  • Elizabeth C
    Elizabeth C
    You hit the nail on the head with this article.I'm trying to change careers,after getting a two year college degree and several teach certifications.I never had a problem getting a job in my trade and I made 3 times more money without a college degree.I'm 53 years old,discrimination is as rampant in the workforce.
  • Charrie W
    Charrie W
    Sounds good, so where are those jobs? They need to be in all 50 states
  •  E.J
    A completely useless list. I don't see a single tech firm on it. Most smaller companies or governments. And the focus seems to be on programs for older workers. All we older workers want is an equal shot based on equal skill sets.
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