Here’s Why Your Resume Isn’t Helping You to Get Hired

Posted by in Career Advice

A resume is a critical element in your job search. In fact, it is the key to helping you to get hired for a position. It’s important to emphasize “help” because the resume typically doesn’t get you hired—but it does help you to score an interview where you can then impress employers enough so that they want to offer you the job.


So, if you’re not getting called in for interviews, what is it about your resume that isn’t doing the trick? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why your resume may not be helping you to get hired.


It Never Makes It Past the Scanning Technology


As a persistent job seeker, you may be aware that many companies utilize scanning technology that helps them to eliminate resumes that don’t fit the criteria of the position. With so many applicants submitting resumes, it can be challenging and time consuming to sift through dozens that won’t make the cut.


The scanning technology helps to eliminate this problem by filtering out resumes that don’t list specific words or phrases that align with the position. For instance, in the nursing field, you might work in a health care facility, participate in transplant procedures, or work with people with mental illnesses. If this is true, these phrases should be listed in your resume to identify you as a qualified candidate.


As you write your resume, be sure to review the job posting thoroughly for these keywords, and list them strategically throughout your resume. This way, you won’t be bypassed in the very first step of the hiring process.


Your Resume Isn’t Targeted


If you’ve written a resume that incorporates the correct keywords, it may just make it past the scanning technology. In that case, great job! But your work is not finished. Another reason why your resume may not be getting you any interview calls is that it isn’t targeted.


A targeted resume is one that was written specifically for the company you’re applying with. If you search online, you’ll find a multitude of resume samples and templates to help you get the process started. But they aren’t authentic—it’s up to you to create your own resume that speaks directly to a company.


So if you want to use a template for inspiration, there’s nothing wrong with it; however, you need to create your own original resume in the end. Doing so proves that your skills and accomplishments directly align with the qualifications each company is looking for.


Your Experience Isn’t Convincing Enough


Another issue that could prevent the interview callback is a lack of convincing experience. You may be accustomed to listing skills but haven’t shown that you were a leader who initiated projects or worked above and beyond the call of duty in your previous positions. So take time to list specific accomplishments that show you made a difference.


Once you target your resume, add keywords, and list top-notch experience, you’re on the right track. Taking these steps is a tremendous aid in getting you the interview callback.


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  • Norman T
    Norman T
    I agree with all the previous comments.  Since incorporating these same exact features my response a great deal.
  • Tanya A
    Tanya A
    This information was very helpful.
  • Tracey A
    Tracey A
    I graduated in 1987,I've had the same job since 1988  but now I'm bored and ready to relocate but my resume is still this is very helpfulThanks
  • Debra R
    Debra R
    I feel as though I have a good resume with the help of the college Fresh Start program at Daytona State College. Having said that, I feel as though I do not interview well
  • Asad U
    Asad U
    That mean you have to rearrange, add or subtract information based on the job description.  Looking for job is really Annoying. Then there is no guarantee the employer will like you after interview. It is hard. But patience is the name of the game we play!
    I must find some specific words and terms related to the job I want in order to impress the boss. OK. Thanks a lot. I will do that next time.
  •  Michael E
    Michael E
    Your comments are very useful and just confirm my inner feeling that I have to always be careful to incorporate them in every resume I write.
    This is the kind of advice that puts an applicant on the right track to getting a job.Thank you.
  • Hetley M
    Hetley M
         These are very good points. I use to teach resume' writing in high school
  • Erin M
    Erin M
    Very interesting and I will give it a try.
  • Richard B
    Richard B
    Honest, professional advice!!
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